Quality Improvement Links

The Academy of NHS Fabulous Stuff
A social movement for sharing Health and Social Care ides, services and solutions that work.
The Community Hospitals Association are pleased to work closely with NHS Fabstuff, which is led by our Patron, Roy Lilley.
"Community Hospitals are Fab" – this is the page on NHS Fabstuff where you can find information shared by the CHA and Community Hospitals: https://fabnhsstuff.net/campaigns/community-hospitals-are-fab
Fab Change Day – the Community Hospitals Association support this annual event

NHS Benchmarking Network
The Benchmarking Network is the in-house benchmarking service of the NHS: https://www.nhsbenchmarking.nhs.uk/
Community Services Covid-19 Dashboard - Community Hospital Findings
The monthly collection of data from participating organisations has shown that the occupancy levels of community hospital beds have yet to return to pre-pandemic levels of an average of 93%. Occupancy dropped to 67% in April 2020, as beds were cleared in readiness. Occupancy raised to 79% by September 2020 and recorded at that level also in March 2021. The occupancy level is rising and is 82.4% for April 2021 The data also shows an average length of stay of 19.7 days, which is below the previous two years of 25 days.
The data collection allows a unique insight into the utilisation of beds in community hospitals. The CHA is working with members and organisations to explore the utilisation of community hospitals during Covid-19, and the variety of roles adopted enabling them to contribute during the pandemic.
The CHA would encourage provider organisations to register for the data collection by NHSBN (see below) as this provides unique benchmarking information for each provider, as well as an overview of community services overall. (Could we ask DH to review the blurb)

Q Community
Q was established in 2015 in response to a recommendation from Don Berwick’s 2013 report to urgently enhance the ‘bottom up’ capacity of the health and care system.
Improvement is happening in pockets around the UK and Ireland, but a better-connected approach is needed. Enhancing the ability of the system to surface and make the most of successful ideas is essential.
Thousands of people in health and care have been trained in, and are now delivering, structured approaches to improvement. It is hoped that through Q’s diverse and well-connected community the spread of innovation will be encouraged.
You can find out more on their website: https://q.health.org.uk/
A number of our committee are members:

Gold Standard Framework
The Gold Standard Framework is about enabling generalist frontline staff to provide a gold standard of care for people in the last years of life.
You can find information on the training provided by the Gold Standard Framework Centre specifically for Community Hospitals here: https://www.goldstandardsframework.org.uk/community-hospitals-training-programme
“End of life care is everyone’s business”