
Dr Kirsty Protherough

Dr Kirsty Protherough

I am the Chair of the CHA as well as a Director. I am a general practitioner who has spent the last seven years working as the GP covering Stroke, Palliative Care, and Elderly Care patients in Worcestershire's Community Hospitals (of which there are seven!). During this period, I became interested in frailty and earned a diploma in geriatric medicine (DGM). We brought GP Trainees to Community Hospitals in partnership with our local deanery, and I am hopeful that the local community hospitals would provide placements for the new medical students at the University of Worcester, where I am also an Associate Lecturer. I've also noticed a dearth of knowledge among patients and their families concerning all areas of ageing and frailty so have set up a patient educational service Healthacate in response to this.

I believe Community Hospitals are an important resource within the National Health Service for providing services particularly to those patients living with frailty and I am delighted to be the new Chair of the CHA. I hope we can continue to raise the profile of all community hospitals UK wide and continue to engage in strategic discussions with healthcare leaders regarding the importance of providing appropriate resources to these community assets that allow them to flourish and reach their full potential.

Sue Greenwood

Julia Fairhall 

Julia is the new Community Divisional Director of Nursing  at Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust, and  within her work portfolio works  with both Community services and Community hospitals of which the trust has 11. Julia has been a strong supporter of the CHA. Julia has won a CHA award and was involved in 2 case studies in our Q CHA study on the role of community hospitals.  She was recently involved in a networking event involving CHA, Q and Rye Hospital, and would like to develop further links.  Julia is actively involved in our Q Special Interest Group discussions and leads on the CHA Innovation and Best Practice Awards.  Julia has a lot to offer the CHA as a committee member.

Sue Greenwood

Sue Greenwood MBE

Sue Greenwood is a Modern Matron and Clinical lead at Cornwall Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust. Sue has long been an active supporter of the CHA, and has contributed to our forum and discussions. Sue has been key to successfully establishing CATU (Community Assessment and Treatment Units) in community hospitals for frail elderly patients. For their CATU initiative Sue and her team attracted a commendation in CHA Innovations and Best Practice programme.  Sue Greenwood is a Queen's Nurse and has received an MBE for her services

Sue Greenwood

Jo Posnette

Jo is a registered nurse who was previously Matron of Didcot Community Hospital. Jo is a Trustee of Rye and Winchelsea District Memorial Hospital, and Chairs the Clinical Services committee. Jo specialised in community services and community hospitals as a management consultant. Jo now works as a medico-legal expert witness in catastrophic injury claims.  Jo is a Community First Responder. She has  volunteered locally as a vaccinator. Jo has been involved with the CHA over many years, attending conferences and supporting the work of the Association through membership of the CHA and our Q SIG.  We are delighted she is joining as a committee member. 

Nikki Woodland 

I have worked in community hospitals for over 15 years, and I am the Head of Clinical Quality for the Bedded/Inpatient Units for Sirona care & health across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.  I passionately believe that community hospitals play a significant role in the delivery of health and care services and ensuring that those in our care can remain as close to home as possible. I have previously been a member of the Community Hospitals Association Committee and am so honoured to be joining again. I look forward to  supporting community hospitals to share and learn from each other and promoting the innovation and best practice that takes place.

Heather Penwarden BEM

Registered Mental Health Nurse and Cognitive Behaviour Therapist with over 30 years working in the NHS with adults, families and older adults

Since arriving in Honiton as newly qualified Staff Nurse in 1985 I have enjoyed a close relationship with our Community Hospital as a staff member, patient, relative of patients and for 10 years as a volunteer and Chair of the League of Friends.  Steering the charity through this time was not without challenges yet beyond the conflict new relationships were formed, we learned the importance of open communication and at times recognised the need to “agree to disagree”. Through our local Integrated Care Partnership Forum, there is now a recognised platform for shared communication and dialogue. 

Personally I have developed a passion for placing people with lived experiences at the centre of health and care planning and have shared my own personal story through International Integrated Care Forums and co -published various papers on the subject.

In retirement I served a term as Governor of our local NHS trust, I am the founding Chair of Dementia Friendly Honiton, Trustee of Honiton 55+ a charity that supports and enables the frail in our community and most recently have become a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Nurses whose charitable endeavours span nursing education, professional development plus support for nurses at time of need.

Sarah Washer 

I am a Modern Matron across 2 community hospitals in Cornwall working for Cornwall Partnership Foundation Trust.  I qualified in 2001 and couldn’t think of anything else I would rather be doing as a career.  I am very passionate about community hospitals and providing care closer to home for our communities.  I have worked in a variety of community hospital settings since 2006 after leaving the acute trust to enable me to work closer to home and raise my family.  I have a background in elective orthopaedics, stroke rehabilitation, amputee care pathway, care of the elderly and end of life care.  In 2014 as Ward Sister and in 2022 as Matron I supported my teams to achieve the Gold Standard Framework Accreditation in end of life care.  One of my community hospitals has received the Innovation and Best Practice award for our meaningful activity coordinator role of which I am immensely proud of as its focus is on not only those patients living with dementia but all our patients needing reablement through activities.  I am very honoured and excited to join the CHA and all it offers.


Julie Ellery 

What an honour to be invited to join the CHA committee. 

I started nursing 35 years ago and I am a Matron working across three sites, Tewkesbury and North Cotswolds Hospital and the George Moore Community Centre and I’m employed by Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Trust. I have experience in Acute General medicine, Ophthalmology, district nursing, development of rehabilitation care pathways with acute and community trusts, project management and governance. I am passionate about patient led , multidisciplinary care and patients been able to access the right care in the right place.

In our Hospitals we have dedicated teams offering inpatient care, general medicine, rehabilitation, end of life and a CATU unit. We have MIIUs on site, an extensive out patients service, diagnostics and a busy theatre. I  have experienced many years of support from the CHA and it is a pleasure to support the committee and  all our community Hospitals. I am also a  keen believer of animal therapy for patients and staff and have been known to have alpacas, penguins and reindeers to visit Hospital sites!


National Leads

Dr Alastair Noble

Dr Alastair Noble MBE

I am the CHA National Lead for Scotland, and a co-opted Committee member of the CHA. I have had an extensive career combining my clinical work as a GP working in a community hospital with local health initiatives and with strategic work at a national level. I have been involved with community hospitals in Scotland for over 40 years, and was Chair and Committee member of Scottish Association of Community Hospitals (SACH). I am now Chair of SACH Alumni, and continue to support and promote community hospital services. I am an independent advisor to Health Boards in Scotland. I have received an MBE for my work on the integration of Health and Social Care in Nairnshire and also for conservation work in Nairnshire. I have been a Community Councillor in Nairnshire for 12 years with a special interest in community empowerment and locality planning/capacity.



Northern Ireland Lead - Vacant 

David Farnsworth

David is the CHA National Lead for Wales. He is a registered Nurse and has worked in the NHS for over 35 years. With a varied career, including Mental Health, Accident & Emergency and several leadership roles supporting improvement in quality & safety, David has spent the last 9 years working to operationally deliver community services, including a wide array of community hospitals. Currently working as the Assistant Director Community Services in Powys Teaching Health Board, David is keen to learn about the experiences of other members of the Community Hospital Association and is looking forward to supporting future development of these services.

Associate Committee Members

Evelyn Prodger

Evelyn Prodger - Chair of the CHA 

I am the outgoing Chair of the Community Hospitals Association (CHA) Committee, and I am now an Associate Committee member.  I continue to have a focus on Quality Improvement and Innovation and Best Practice. I am also a Convenor for our Community Hospital Special Interest Group in the Q Community.  Community Hospitals fulfil a vital role within the NHS but are often not represented in mainstream work. I am passionate about the added value Community Hospitals and staff working in them bring to local populations. I qualified as a nurse in 1991 and went on to complete a BSc (Hons) Professional Practice and a MSc Advanced Nurse Practitioner. My clinical background began in medicine, specifically elderly medicine, dermatology and haematology. As a senior nurse I have worked in elderly medicine, Community Hospitals, Responsive Services and as a Nurse Specialist for Older People supporting Care Homes. I was a General Manager in the NHS managing Community Hospitals and Urgent Care. In 2017 I was awarded my Queens Nurse Award. I am a member of Q and have a keen interest in quality improvement and people and practice development.  I am currently the Clinical Services Director at St Michael's Hospice Hastings and Rother.

Jan Marriott

Jan Marriott

I am an Associate Committee member of the CHA, having been involved for many years, holding positions such as a Director, Chair and Vice-Chair and committee member. I am a registered nurse who is passionate about community hospitals. I was Matron for Evesham hospital, and responsible for the development for many innovative services there. I have also managed a number of community hospitals. I have held a variety of director posts in the NHS, voluntary and private sector. Following my retirement from the NHS seven years ago I continue to work harder than ever. I am currently Independent Co-Chair of the Gloucestershire Learning Disability and Physical Disability/Sensory Impairment Partnership Boards and Independent Chair of the Gloucestershire Mental Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board. I am a Non-Executive Director with Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust, which has seven community hospitals.

Chris Humphris

Chris Humphris

I am an Associate committee member of the CHA and was previously Chair of the CHA 2018-2022.   I have experience across a wide range of NHS, Social Care, and other services both as a provider and as a commissioner.  I have managed community hospitals and community services across the England including Northumberland, Cambridge, Norfolk and Warwickshire.  I have also worked in the private sector managing an organisation providing care homes. In the past I held the position of CEO in two PCTs and a Community Health Trust  and worked as an Associate Director of Adult Social Care.  I have experience of strategic planning for community hospitals, and working with a wide range of stakeholders.  I currently work as an independent management consultant, working with community groups on the future of their community hospitals. Chris provides free initial support as a member of the CHA.  As an independent consultant he also regularly undertakes commissions.

Liz Fenton

Liz Fenton

I am an Associate Committee member of the CHA and a Registered Nurse. I have been involved with the CHA for 15 years.  I am the Deputy Chief Nurse for Health Education England and have held a number of clinical and leadership roles including at board level. I am also a specialist advisor with the care quality commission and an accreditation surveyor for CHKS. I represent the CHA on CHKS. I have a masters degree in advancing healthcare practice. In 2017 I was awarded the title Queens Nurse.  I was a Senior Ward Sister working in a South Somerset Community Hospital specialising in stroke rehabilitation. I am passionate about community hospitals and their role in the local health and care system.

Dr Emma Gibbard

Dr Emma Gibbard

I am an Associate Committee member of the CHA. I am Research Impact Manager at the University of Bath. I am member of Q, Health Foundation and lead the Special Interest Group on Evaluation. I have been a council member of the UK Evaluation Society. 

Dr Helen Tucker

Dr Helen Tucker

I am an Associate Committee member and former President.  I am committed to raising the profile of community hospitals, and promoting their contribution to community health and wellbeing. I have been involved in community hospitals in a number of roles including management, consultancy, development and research. In these various roles, I have visited over half of all community hospitals in the UK.  I researched integrated care in community hospitals for my PhD at the University of Warwick. I am a reviewer for a number of academic journals, and am on the Editorial Advisory Board for the Journal of Integrated Care.  I gave a presentation on Patient Experience of integrated care at the 2021 IFIC conference and was given the Overall Award for the conference for a paper here    Summary of my publications and presentations here

Tom Brooks

Tom Brooks

I am the CHA Wales Associate. I am a retired management consultant who worked in the NHS across the UK as well as internationally in places such as Norway and Hong Kong. As an advocate for improving healthcare particularly in rural areas, I have served 6 years on a Community Health Council and 18 months as a Committee advisor to a Health Board in Wales. I have given evidence to several Parliamentary Select Committees. I am a committee member of the North Wales Healthcare Alliance, a consortium of community healthcare campaigning organisations in North Wales. I am a patient representative on the "NHS Rural Health & Care Wales steering committee", which commissions activities to improve patient healthcare outcomes in rural areas of Mid & West Wales. 

CHA Administration and Management 
Dr Roy Sharma

Eleanor Murphy

CHA Service Development Manager

Eleanor is our CHA Manager offering support to the CHA team. She has a wide range of experience with over 16 years’ working with people with disabilities in supported employment, as well as project development and quality checking roles. She ran Boss Employment CIC for 6 years promoting employment for people with learning disabilities - delivering interactive workshops to encourage and inspire people to see paid work as a valid option. An experienced TSI trained Job Coach, Eleanor is passionate about equality of opportunity and supporting people with disabilities to reach their potential by identifying steps to success. Eleanor has a BMus and is currently completing a Dip in Health and Social Care. She says that she is delighted to be involved with the Association and is enjoying working with the team. 




We are grateful to our Professional Advisors who support our work.
Professor Anne Hendry
Professor Catherine Evans
Professor Geoff Meads
Heather Penwarden MBE
Trish Jay