Awards in 2019
F.L.O.R.A. the Falls Trolley, South Petherton Community Hospital
FLORA the Falls Trolley was developed in September 2017, following discussions within our monthly falls local action group meetings (FLAG), which I chair at South Petherton Hospital. In this meeting a theme was identified that the that post-fall checklist and actions were not always being completed correctly, and that there was not a safe place to store falls alarms. We had discussions about what we could bring to the ward to help this, and were keen for it to be an active and useful resource, available at the point of care for a patient following a fall, therefore FLORA was developed as a quality improvement project to address these issues and has also addressed more. Dr David Seamark presented the team with the CHA Innovations and Best Practice Award. For more detail please click here
CHA Award Winner - South Petherton Community Hospital
*Treatment Escalation Plans, Crawley Hospital
A treatment escalation tool to go hand in hand with a DNA CPR order with 100% emphasis focused on the patient's wishes so they feel heavily involved in their own care and treatment options in advanced care planning. For more detail please click here
*Daily Safety Huddle, Horsham Hospital
The Daily Safety Huddle is a 5-10 minute gathering of staff at the same time every day to support the daily review of key safety issues, looking back 24 hours and looking forward 24 hours. It is a short succinct safety-focused information sharing event to highly and resolve safety issues. Within the huddle there is a weekly topic.
For more detail please click here
*Hospital to Home Clinic, Horsham Hospital
The Hospital to Home clinic was set up to try and improve the transition of patients from hospital to home, and reduce the level of readmissions. The clinic is a social interactive hub held every two weeks on the ward and designed to introduce services and support to patients and families. It is currently coordinated by the OT and therapy technician and attended by patients, relatives and carers along with Age UK, Carers Support, Apetito, British Red Cross and Carers Health Team.
For more detail please click here
Scotter Ward Support Sessions, John Coupland Hospital
We have developed a new way of supporting staff to ensure quarterly clinical supervision, attendance at staff meetings, ensure all staff attend mandatory bespoke to the ward training, provide a forum to feedback and disseminate learning points from IR2s and RCAs. Also to give staff an opportunity for dedicated discussion and support from peers and managers and give staff protected time out from the ward setting. For more detail click here
Bereavement Sleeves, John Coupland Hospital
On the ward we make bereavement sleeves with a small gift in side for the relatives that house leaflets that relatives need following a patient's death.
For more detail please click here
Branching out into Social Media, John Coupland Hospital
The way in which Scotter Ward are using social media in order to increase the profile of the ward in the wider community, demonstrating a vision to embrace different ways of staff and public engagement, share good news, bench mark good practice, share ideas and aspirations, keep abreast of local and national initiatives and show how they support staff and patients through education. For more detail please click here
Cultural Awareness App, Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust
This app has been developed to provide some guidance on delivering culturally competent care for all our patients. It has been designed to support colleagues to have conversations with patients and carers from different backgrounds, to help colleagues understand and meet any cultural or religious needs they might have. The app was highlighted as outstanding practice in the recent Care Quality Commission inspection with a view that it was the first of its kind the inspectors had seen.
For more detail please click here