Awards up to 2018
This is a selection of awards to illustrate the good practice over the years.
Improving the Care of the Deteriorating Patients in Community hospitals - Somerset Community Hospitals
The purpose of the project is to improve the recognition and escalation of deterioration in patients in Community Hospitals, so that they receive timely and appropriate treatment, to improve patient outcomes as well as prevent admission to acute trusts. The CHA committee members were impressed by this excellent scheme to enable staff across the local NHS to be confident in identifying the deteriorating patient, take appropriate action, escalate where necessary and learn from experience.
Hospital Fete with a Difference - Health and Wellbeing Fair - North Cotswolds Community Hospital
The purpose of the project was to bring together Community Hospital staff, volunteers and local agencies to hold an afternoon of fun activities, information and advice on health and wellbeing. The CHA committee members were impressed by the vision of this event, which brought together staff, patients, volunteers, third sector agencies and local community groups. As a new hospital with no tradition of holding a fete this served as a way of promoting the hospital and sharing information about its services and facilities.
Early Supported Discharge for Stroke and Acquired Brain Injury Countywide Service - South Petherton Community Hospital
The project provides comprehensive, multidisciplinary assessment and rehabilitation to stroke and acquired brain injury patients in their own home and to expedite discharge from inpatient settings. This is a community-based service with links to community hospitals and takes referrals from both acute and community hospitals and offers multidisciplinary rehabilitation to patients in their own home. Staff are very motivated and enthusiastic about this new model of care, as they are witnessing the benefits to patients and families.
Community Services - Friends of Blandford Community Hospital
This project has been developed to provide voluntary transport and support to people in the local community which was launched in 1996 as "The Friends and Practice Scheme' when it initially included roles such as companionship, shopping and voluntary transport for medical appointments. Over 1000 clients are now requesting the voluntary transport but also additional service are provided, including regular shopping trips and social outings.
The service is well planned and managed and The Friends employ four part-time staff to manage the transport scheme and other activities such as hospital volunteers, two shops and fund raising events.
Introduction of Activities Co-ordinator Chard and Crewkerne Community Hospitals
The introduction of an Activity Co-ordinator into the wards at Chard and Crewkerne Community Hospitals was an exciting venture to increase the self-worth and fulfilment of patients as they rehabilitate in order to develop their stamina, cognition and overall well-being. This is a highly person-centered initiative, appropriate for patients on the wards and addresses their wider needs, such as social activities, special interests, activities of daily living and prepares them for discharge. Leadership is clear, enabling the Activities Co-ordinator to respond flexibly as possible to patients needs and preferences.
Friends of Crowborough Hospital - Social Day Service Friends of Crowborough Community Hospital
The Friends of Crowborough Hospital undertook to run a social day centre at Crowborough Hospital, after plans to close the service. The Friends have been very thorough in planning and managing the service, assessing all potential attendees to ensure their needs can be met and have a clear risk management process. The Friends have enabled older people who are socially isolated or lonely. The Friends have shown that, as volunteers, they are able to make a significant contribution to the wellbeing of the local community and that extensive partnership working is demonstrated.
Ambulatory Care at Minehead Community Hospital
A new service has been introduced offering ambulatory care to day case patients who require services such as management of central venous catheters, intravenous antibiotics, blood transfusion, iron transfusion, urethral catheter care and management of chronic leg ulcers. Many of the patients attending are undergoing chemotherapy. An average of just over 80 patients are seen a month. For one patient attending, the service saved then 28 visits to the General Hospital which saved over 1500 miles travelling and over 55 hours of their time. The staff have said that patients have benefited from easy access to a simple care pathway.
Frome Community Hospital Engagement Project
The League of Friends and a hospital team worked together to make the most of community engagement. Initiatives included a quarterly community hospital forum, a twitter feed from the Matron, siting a food bank at the hospital, involvement in the Dementia Friendly town project, providing work placements for 6th form students, displaying artwork from the local school, and having a weekly afternoon tea for patients staff and volunteers. The scheme has had very positive feedback from patients, visitors and the wider community, and the project continues to be expanded.
The Millom Model
The Millom model for Millom community hospital involves partnership working between Cumbria Partnership Trust, North West Ambulance, Millom GP practice, University Hospital of Morecombe Bay acute trust, the third sector and the local community health action group. The Millom model has been recognised as achieving outstanding partnership working. Benefits have included a thriving hospital, a reduced length of stay for patients in the community hospital, 150,000 fewer miles travelled, 100 fewer people moving for A&E, and 100 fewer people moving for non-elective admission.
"A Helping Hand - Hand Hygiene for Children"
This is a reminder of a past award winner that is highly relevant to today. Modern Matrons from two community hospitals in Somerset received the award for the programme of hand hygiene that they had instigated in schools. With musical backing and audience participation, they showed that by making fun of a serious issue they were able to teach the children the importance of hand hygiene so that the children could share this with parents and beyond. They linked up with school nurses to present an action day and used a UV light box to demonstrate to the children how well they had done, and how they needed to improve. The Matrons had everyone at the CHA conference joining in, washing hands to music. The photo below shows Trish Jay for the CHA committee giving the award in 2005 to Chere Turbeville from Bridgewater and Sharon Hines from Burnham on sea.