About the CHA Q study
How have Community Hospitals responded to COVID-19? Sharing innovations and best practice. Read our Report here
We are delighted to have very positive feedback on our report.
"What an inspiring piece of work. Very well done to all who were involved in producing it."Suzanne Jones Recently CHA Committee and previously CEO & Treasurer |
"Thanks and well done to all those responsible for producing this excellent report. It showcases some of the fantastic work done by so many people in community hospitals to respond positively to the enormous challenges that the Covid 19 Pandemic created. Everyone with an interest health and social care should read it to see the creativity, innovation, drive and determination that can be found in our community hospitals. Those involved should be rightly proud of what you have done. All of us should be inspired to continue and develop the contribution that our community hospitals can make to the challenges of the present and future."Chris Humphries Project Sponsor for the study and recently Chair and Director of the CHA |
"Whoever you are and whatever your connection if any to Community Hospitals, read this study, along with the excellent “Diary of a Project” by Evelyn Prodger the Project Lead, with an open and curious mind: I think you will, like me, then come to appreciate all that is good and strong about our local hospitals, the incredible resilience of the human beings that work within them and what wonderfulness can be achieved by individuals and communities in times of great adversity." Heather Penwarden MBE |
“It has been a great privilege to support the Advisory Group for this project. A huge thanks to the CHA for sharing so many inspiring examples of the dedication and innovation of staff during the pandemic. The case studies tell a wonderful story of how Community Hospitals improve lives for people and community.” Professor Anne Hendry |