About the CHA Q Community Hospital Special Interest Group
We have created a Community Hospitals Special Interest Group within the Q Community. This is a rapidly growing network of practitioners and leaders with an interest in Community Hospitals.
The Q Community is funded by the Health Foundation and has been created with a focus on Quality Improvement in the NHS. We have been fortunate to have received grants from Q Exchange and Q Connections, to help us to research community hospitals, and use ways of sharing and learning. This has included a focus on growing our CH SIG network.
We invited our SIG members to tell us what they value in the SIG and what they would like in the future. Thank you to all who contributed.
Survey Results can be read here
Survey Headlines:
- Members value sharing information with other SIG members "Hearing directly from SIG members about their experience and practice"
- Members found the SIG Page useful particularly on discussion groups and outcomes and suggested“More contributions from SIG members.”
- The words used most frequently regarding our Discussion Groups: "Enjoyable, friendly, relaxed and informative"
- The majority said they would attend our 2024 National Event
- Members said what they would like from the SIG: “More guidelines.” “Joint projects with other SIGs.”“Local networking meetings.”
Do please join us. It is an active group, and we have lots more planned!
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