"Raising standards through sharing excellence." "The NHS Benchmarking Network (NHSBN) is the in-house benchmarking service of the NHS. The Network exists to identify and share good practice across the Health and Social Care sector. NHSBN is a vibrant member community involving over 340 health and social care organisations throughout the UK. The Network supports a wide range of benchmarking projects in the commissioning, acute, community and mental health sectors." We are pleased to work with NHS Benchmarking, and value their outputs that contribute to our understanding of community hospitals and intermediate care. The CHA has worked with NHSBN on research studies, in helping to design survey forms, and making contact with members of CHA & NHSBN. We are pleased to promote NHSBN, such as their launches of data collection, and their conferences/webinars on our website, newsletter and social media. We were delighted to have input from NHSBN on our Advisory Group for our Q study on the role of community hospitals during COVID-19. We look forward to continuing to work closely with NHSBN.
The CHA and NHS Benchmarking Update Nov 24 by Dr Kirsty Protherough
GSF is a systematic, evidence based approach to optimising care for all patients approaching the end of life, delivered by generalist frontline care providers. Training programmes are offered and a recognised accreditation process. Accredited community hospitals and services are listed on the site. Included in those accredited include Falmouth Community Hospital, Liskeard Community Hospital, Redruth Community Hospital and Blandford Community Hospital. Our CHA representative on GSF is Sue Greenwood.
Community Hospitals Association End of Life Coalition Nov 2024 Update KP
"The NHS is so much stronger and so much better when it works together, walks in step and shares the best stuff. The Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff is an opportunity to turn dreams into action." Roy Lilley We are pleased to be working with the Academy of NHS Fabstuff, and sharing good practice. We are delighted that Roy Lilley, who leads NHS Fabstuff is the Patron for the CHA. NHS Fabstuff has devoted a page to the CHA and community hospitals on good practice and case studies. Read more here We want to encourage the sharing of patient stories particularly around community hospitals. Read more here This article was written after an inspirational visit to Scotter Ward, John Coupland Hospital by one of the NHS Fabstuff team. Read more.
"A connected community working together to improve health and care quality across the UK and Ireland" We are pleased to be working within the Q Community, and many of us on our committee are now members of the Q Community. The CHA has carried out a study on the community hospitals and their role in COVID-19, with a focus on embedding positive impact changes. Do please read our Q Reports here We thank Q for funding the CHA to carry out this study, and also for funding us to grow our Q Community Hospital Special Interest Group. If you are not already a member of our SIG, and you are interested in quality improvements in community hospitals please do join us here.
"Improving healthcare for older people." The CHA is pleased to be connected with the BGS, with shared learning. We are pleased to share details of the BGS publication led by Professor Anne Hendry, Honorary Secretary BGS "Joining the Dots: A blueprint for preventing and managing frailty in older people." Download the full report here and the summary here The publication is full of useful case studies, and provides 7 touchpoints and 12 recommendations. We also welcomed the earlier publication of the survey of members of their experience during Covid-19 First Wave "Through the Visor" - read here The BGS believe the study to be the only survey capturing the full breadth of multidisciplinary health professionals' experiences caring for older people across the four nations. The quotes from staff show the impact on their health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally and make harrowing reading. For details of BGS events link here
The Community Therapists Network is a national organisation providing information, training and education to therapists who care for and support people living with long-term conditions in the community. It is a membership organisation, offering resources, conferences and workshops. The CHA is pleased to be connected with the CTN, and in particular we are delighted to promote their work in TOMs - therapy outcome measurements, and the workshops held by Professor Pam Enderby.
Pete Donnelly is a member of the CHA, and has set up a college to support people with wheelchair skills. It would be good to explore the potential for helping with patients in community hospitals. For QR codes to his youtube and tiktok channels please download here
Palliative care news views and inspiration from around the world. ehospice is a globally run news and information resource committed to bringing you the latest news, commentary and analysis from the world of hospice, palliative and end of life care.
We are pleased to be working with the IHM. The IHM's directors are Roy Lilley, Dr Terri Porrett and Jon Wilks, who are also the founders of The Academy of Fabulous Stuff. Roy Lilley is the Patron of the CHA, so we have much in common. The Institute of Healthcare Management is the leading independent membership organisation for health and social care managers, supporting personal development and driving change to improve health and well-being for all through quality management. "Our aim is to create a supportive professional body that is compelling to join, relevant in its activities and contemporary in its approach."
The International Federation of Community Health Centres (IFCHC) is a global partnership of Community Health Centre (CHC) associations and their members. This includes facilities such as community hubs. The core goals of the IFCHC are to foster global collaboration in community-oriented primary health care and to expand access to Community Health Centres as the optimal way to achieve the World Health Organization's vision for equitable access to primary health care for all.
"Leading the Global Movement for change"
IFIC's Vision is that people, families and communities benefit from person-centred integrated care and support to maximise their health, wellbeing and independence. IFIC holds conferences and hosts a Journal - the International Journal of Integrated Care. The CHA has contributed to its International Conferences, such as ICIC22 in Denmark, and in May 23 ICIC23 in Belgium
The Journal of Integrated Care provides leading research and practice insights in the field of integrated care. Based in the four nations of the UK, it has an international reputation and an editorial board that reflects this global reach. It offers a supportive and responsive environment for authors from all professional backgrounds to publish rigorous studies and discussion papers at the cutting edge of research, practice and thinking in integrated care. The President of the CHA, Dr David Seamark and also Dr Helen Tucker are on the editorial board of the Journal of Integrated Care.
NAPC prides itself on representing the whole of primary care and its growing networks reflect this. We focus on connections, collaborations and providing an influencing voice with a results driven approach. The NAPC has developed the"Primary Care Home" which is a form of multi-specialty community provider (MCP) model. Its key features are provision of care to a defined, registered population of between 30,000 and 50,000 local clinical and financial drivers and integrated workforce. Community hospitals feature in test sites, including South Bristol Community Hospital. A booklet on Primary Care Home is available here. "Care during and beyond the COVID-19 Crisis: Supporting Resilient Communities in Times of Public Health Crisis"
"Improving the health and wealth of the nation through research." "The NIHR supports research from bench to bedside for the benefit of patients and the economy. It works with patients and the public to shape the research agenda, finding new ways of preventing, identifying and treating ill health, evaluating the effectiveness and impact of new healthcare treatments, and ensures that the best possible evidence is available to inform decisions about health and social care." The CHA was pleased to be involved in the NIHR-funded Community Hospital Research Programme which funded 3 major studies. We participated in the 3 studies and were delighted to contribute to the work which resulted in new evidence on the role and potential of community hospitals. The studies examined value, efficiency and international learning. We continue to apply the new learning from the studies. Read more about the studies here
"Listening to patients, Speaking up for change. From the contacts we receive via our Helpline, we capture thousands of accounts each year from patients, carers, family members and friends about peoples experiences of the health and social care service. We use this knowledge to campaign for real improvements across the UK. In addition, our Helpline provides valuable signposting and information for patients and supports them as they navigate through the healthcare services." Read the report on the latest survey results here
"We support people and organisations who are making their communities healthier and happier." "We run a membership scheme for voluntary organisations across the UK that offers support such as insurance, legal advice, financial services and local and national networking. We offer training and undertake bespoke projects." The CHA is pleased to connect with David Woods the CEO of Attend, and share an interest on the Leagues of Friends of Community Hospitals and other associated voluntary groups.
"Meaningful engagement matters. It leads to high quality, safe services that are person-centred. It improves the health and wellbeing of communities. We believe people and communities should be able to use their skills and experience to design and improve the health and care services that matter to them."Participation toolkit can be accessed here