International Community Hospitals

The Community Hospitals Association continues to make connections with community hospitals internationally, and to learn from studies and visits.  We have produced a resource pack of references on key international papers.  Read more

IFIC Scotland Integrated Care Matters Webinar 

Read the Flash Report from the November Integrated Care Matters webinar hosted by IFIC Scotland Prof. Anne Hendry and Dr Helen Tucker. Three international community hospitals experts discussed the vital role of community hospitals in Japan, Italy and Sweden.

Watch the video below. 


Dr Honda, Dr Shin with Dr David Seamark, CHA President

The CHA is delighted to have made connections with the Japanese equivalent of the CHA, supporting 20 community hospitals across Japan. Dr Honda and his two colleagues from the Kaita Hospital attended our recent CHA conference, and also had a study tour that the CHA arranged to two community hospitals in Gloucestershire. We look forward to further mutual learning and collaborations.  Dr Honda and colleagues make the case for "small is beautiful" and have compiled a fascinating report with photographs that is available to download here 


Dr Hedman works as GP in the remote community of Storuman in northern Sweden and as an academic at the University of Umea, some 150 miles away. His thesis ‘The Community Hospital Model in Northern Sweden’  can be read  here  Dr David Seamark has had an interview with Dr Hedman, and written a review of his work here  which makes an excellent contribution to the evidence base on community hospitals. 


The CHA has been interested in the programme to develop community hospitals in Italy.  The CHA committee has been working with Professor Giovanni Fattore and his team at the University of Boccini. The team is advising the Italian Government on their strategy to develop 400 community hospitals.  Members of the committee, including Tom Brooks Dr Alastair Noble and Dr Helen Tucker, have made presentations to the team. 

Helen Tucker represented the CHA  at a national conference in Italy on health services in November 2022, at the CONVEGNO OASI 2022 at the University of Bocconi 16th November 2022 - download presentation here  She also presented to the National Hospital Construction Technology Center, Centro Nazionale Edilizia Tecnica Ospedaliera on the 13th February 2023  - link to programme   and the CHA presentation here 

We were also pleased to meet Verdiana Morando of the University of Bocconi who talked of La Casa Della Salute (House of Health) and advised of the Government requirements for levels of intermediate care in every area.


Jostas Mwebembezi is the Executive Director of the Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy (RCRA) in Uganda. Committee members of the CHA have talked to Jostas on a zoom call, and shared ideas, links and resources. Some of the themes and challenges have similarities with the UK in terms of rurality and access, although clearly the context is very different. Jostas has already achieved much with the provision of integrated outreach clinics. He has now prepared a business plan for a community hospital with beds.  This is with the help of a UN volunteer with considerable international expertise. We will continue to follow progress with interest, and continue to share in a mutually beneficial way.  


The CHA organised a visit by Simo Kokko from Finland, who has just carried out a major study exploring the use of community beds in community hospitals.  With the CHA, Simo was invited to visit Crowborough Hospital and Rye Hospital in Sussex.  The CHA has had a long association with Finland, with connections to Kekki in the 1980s, and visits to Finland in the 1990s as reported by Dr Roger Jones.


Studies of community hospitals in Norway are contributing to our understanding of this model of care, and in particular the work of Garasen, Lappegard and Dhal as well as the earlier work of Aaraas.  Their work has included assessing outcomes, cost, and quality.  Norway has recognised the role of community hospitals in supplementing the work of the acute hospitals.


There has been a development of community hospitals in the Netherlands, with studies of the first community hospital by Charante showing that the community hospital was an alternative to acute care or care at home, and Roijen demonstrating that these services are a cost-saving alternative.


There is much to learn from the Canadian programme which has resulted in the closure of many rural hospitals.  Studies that have explored the impact of the closures on communities and community health include those by Petruka and James.

International Research Study

The NIHR funded Rand to carry out a study of community hospitals internationally, in order to share the learning across countries. The report concluded that the community hospital model is "fluid" and very often these small local hospitals are designed either to serve a designated geographical area or a patient cohort.  The study identifies the role of community hospitals as an integrator.  The report is available.