About the Community Hospitals Association

The Community Hospitals Association (CHA) is an independent voluntary organisation.  The CHA was established over 50 years ago and is a unique voice for community hospitals - their services, staff, patients and communities.  The CHA is a membership organisation which supports community hospitals in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We are dedicated to sharing knowledge and experience on the role, function and potential of community hospitals. We also share information throughout our networks on the contribution that community hospital services make to the health and wellbeing of patients and communities.  We have a growing membership, and we are committed to supporting all those concerned with their community hospitals.



We are delighted to announce that we will be holding a national conference for 2024 - the date will be published soon. 

The CHA has held annual events since 1980.  Originally in the style of a one day symposium, by 2000 these were 3 day events typically over a Spring weekend.   The programme below gives a flavour of events and locations, typically attended by between 100 and 300 delegates.  



Meet Our People

AGM - Please read our CHA Annual Report 2022/2023 here  and our Treasurers Report here 

Barbara Moore RIP

We are sorry to announce the death of Barbara Moore.  Barbara spent 35 years working for the CHA, and achieved a great deal for the organisation. Barbara was well respected, and was appreciated for the support she gave staff and managers.  Read more